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9/18/20: Today was the first day of the Olentangy Branch of the Dublin Tennis Outreach Program operating independently! We are so excited to have expanded past the reaches of Dublin and into another city to continue to spread our mission and purpose!

9/10/20: Dublin TOP Inc. partners with the City of Dublin, OH. An exciting partnership as the mission and purpose of Dublin TOP stems from the very school district of Dublin!

08/01/20 - 08/09/20: Thanks to our amazing partnership with the United States Tennis Association, we as an organization had the opportunity to supply our students who regularly attend our virtual clinics with a cost-free youth tennis racket and foam balls! Although all of our drills that we teach can be done without equipment, we hope that this new addition will add a new layer of interest to our students, building on that passion of tennis. Below are a few photos of families picking up the equipment, handled by executive director Weihong William Sun with precaution as we are amidst a global pandemic. (Stay safe everyone!)


7/27/20: The Dublin TOP Inc. virtual efforts are recognized by Ohio 24/7 Now in Columbus. Great thanks to content producer and editor, Dustin Hamon, for reaching out to us. We strive to continue this unique effort of teaching tennis to better cope with the global pandemic for not only our students, but also our coaches.

7/22/20: Dublin TOP Inc. receives the 2020 Diversity Program Grant from the United States Tennis Association which helped supply Dublin TOP with youth tennis rackets and balls that we as an organization are giving to our students to use during these tough times. With this equipment, we hope to further enhance our student's love for the sport as they can now feel more in tune with everything although all the drills we teach virtually can be done without equipment.

7/21/20: Dublin TOP Inc. reaches 500+ new student registrations, all families that look to dip their children's feet in the wonderful sport of tennis. This is what it's about!

7/13/20: The Ohio Valley Tennis Association grants Dublin TOP Inc. $500 to further the development of Dublin TOP, even during the global pandemic.

7/7/20: Dublin TOP Inc. becomes a Community Tennis Association and officially partners with the United States Tennis Association.

7/10/20: Dublin TOP Inc. partners with Google through the Google for Non-profits program where we are offered exclusive services.

6/6/20: Our Olentangy and Hilliard Braches of the Dublin Tennis Outreach Program is created. Began recruiting different student coaches around the districts.

5/25/20: The first ever Dublin TOP virtual clinic as we as an organization are looking at ways to continue to provide our service in the safest way possible for our coaches and students.

1/18/20: Dublin TOP is recognized by the Ohio Chinese/Taiwanese American News as the organization had its own feature/story in the January 18th Issue of the newspaper.


1/11/20: Phenomenal talk at the Columbus Metropolitan Library - Dublin Branch! Special thanks to Board Member Loren Scully for being able to coordinate this amazing event. At this presentation, William Sun, director and founder of Dublin TOP, talked about his experiences with starting the organization along with the nonprofit's mission and future aspiration of expanding past the local level. Later in the presentation, Frank Li, one of the original Dublin TOP coaches talked about how he's developed and grown as a person after his initiative of pursuing such a great cause of giving back to his community. Thank you to all who were able to come and support the Dublin TOP team! If you were not able to come, you can still view the talk on YouTube at: or through our home page.


11/2/19: The very first indoor clinic of Dublin TOP Inc. at The Racquet Club of Columbus

10/12/19: Amazing day at the Ohio Kungfu Taichi Day! A great way to immerse into new cultures and traditions. We as a team, were fortunate enough to set up a stand for Dublin TOP. Special thanks to team members Anton Bakunin and Frank Li for helping out. Of course a massive thank you to Master Sen Gao for letting us showcase our organization at this celebration! We really appreciate the opportunity to spread awareness of our cause and mission!


09/16/19: The Dublin Tennis Outreach Program partners with The Racquet Club of Columbus. RCC helps Dublin TOP by allowing our coaches to teach our clinics in their professional indoor facility during the winter months.

08/27/19: Founder Weihong William Sun gets recognized by Dublin City Schools, igniting the way towards propelling the expansion of the Dublin Tennis Outreach Program

08/12/19: Dublin TOP Inc. becomes an official 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

06/10/19: The spark that created the Dublin Tennis Outreach Program: Executive director and founder, Weihong William Sun, teaches his first unofficial Dublin TOP clinic at the Daniel Wright Free Lunch Program using the equipment kindly donated by the Dublin Neighborhood Bridges.

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